
Ironman Combat strategy guide: (Recommended Quests + Safespots, Early Bird houses and farming, OSRS)

Early Ironman Combat & Skilling plan, Covering, early quests, Videos safespots, and skilling grinds. This guide takes you through recommended ironman quests & grinds without delaying graceful or combat too much. It also includes videos clips for demonstrating early group hardcore ironman safespot, and dangerous areas for combat quests so they can stay safe in the early game.

The first part of this guide will unlock several teleports. Unlock birdhouses, tears of guthix, and give you an early start on herblore and farming. Herblore is a slow skill to train, and its soft requirement for raids and training combat. 70 herblore is also required to complete the song of the elves quest, which unlocks divines & the bow of faerdhinen. If your interested in seeing my early song of the elves fight let me know in the comments bellow I can post a video about it. I will be using low level gear without brews .

For my group Ironman, I will be playing it a little more casual and instead posting any updates on twitter. My ultimate goal is to go for song of the elves but I will see how far the journey takes me. (Twitter: GnarsNest)

Here is a table of contents. Skip around if you would like, or watch the whole video, you might learn a few facts, or a better way to rush early game ironman. I am setting a like goal of 100 to release the next part of this guide within a week. Right now I am really busy so I dont have as much time to make videos, but I will try to get to the other guides done when I get the chance. (Ironman Startup GuideV2, Moneymaking guideV2, Ironman Combat Multi-quest Guide)

Ironman Combat strategy guide:
00:00 - Introduction
00:21 - The Guide (What to expect)
00:52 - Combat Plan (Table of contents)
01:24 - Early Game Questing
[01:45] - Intermediate skilling (While you quest)
02:24 - Safespots & Dangerous Areas (Early Quests)
[02:24] - Security Stronghold (Spiders)
[02:40] - Wilderness CW (Iron bar, bones)
[02:50] - Mcgrubers woods (Guard dogs)
[03:00] - Hazeel Cult (Alomone)
[03:11] - Caution, Stealing (Cakes, Silk)
[03:29] - Biohazard (Mourner Safespot)
[03:35] - Jungle potion (Dangerous)
[04:00] - Digsite (Sceletons)
[04:11] - Knight sword (Blurite ore)
04:31 - Ardougne cloak, Wintertodt
05:20 - Early farming, Raising cats
[05:55] - Why stop at 65 firemaking? (Early unlocks)
06:32 - Early Combat quests & Safespots
[07:07] - Witch's house
[07:26] - elemental workshop 2
[07:42] - Tree Gnome village (Wall Damage stack)
[08:13] - Tree Gnome village (Khazard warlord - Safespot)
[08:27] - Waterfall quest (Glarial's tomb)
[09:08] - Waterfall quest (Inside waterfall)
[09:32] - Merlin's crystal (Sir Mordred)
[09:56] - Fight arena (Safespot)
[10:14] - Lost City (Safespot)
[10:39] - Grand tree (Dangerous area, Safespot)
[11:00] - Grand tree (Black demon Safespot)
11:24 - Unlocking fossil Island, Bird houses & Farming
12:45 - Tears of guthix
13:18 - Closing remarks

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Ironman Combat strategy guide: (Recommended Quests + Safespots, Early Bird houses and farming, OSRS) isn’t endorsed by Jagex.
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